Tuesday, 27 April 2010


Today I uploaded what I have done of the sketchbook so far into Issuu. The website is very proffessional. The pages turn when you flick through the book and when your not looking through it, it is displayed on a shelf. I'm not sure if this will be the ideal format for my final show, as it would mean relying on the website but for now it is a great way to get my idea accross.

One of the artists from "An Illustrated Life" has all of their sketchbooks available to look through on their website. When I first saw it I was blown away, mainly by the thumbnails of the actual books scrolling across the page, but the pages are shown in a simple slideshow and while the work is really detailed and amazing to look through, a similar animation to Issuu would probably make the viewer feel like they are interacting with the sketchbook.

I also put my pages into windows movie maker to make a quick animation, the main problem with that is that it is such a large file size and the quality is no where near as good as a pdf, as is using photoshop to make a quicktime animation. So at the moment my options are to use a pdf or an online resource such as Issuu or to film the sketchbook being looked through and have it projected. Early days yet, but at least I have some form of prototype to show on Thursday.
Right time to get searching and drawing!

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