Wednesday, 10 November 2010

Gorillaz music videos

Well I'm finally up to the point in my dissertation where I can start talking about Gorillaz, the band that use album artwork (illustration), music videos (animation) and a fully interactive website at the same time to become one of the biggest bands of all time, all this, while at the same time being fictional characters! I own all three of the studio albums and the book "Rise Of The Ogre" which is a fully illustrated fictional biography of these fictional characters which are really the brain child of Blur's Damon Albarn and cartoonist friend Jamie Hewlett.

Live Video of the band performing "Feel Good inc" with the Gorillaz characters as 3-d animated models appearing on the stage- AMAZING.

Live video of the band performing "Clint Eastwood", slightly different as the Gorillaz characters are 3-d animations but they remain on a screen rather than wander freely through the stage.

Clint Eastwood Video
Band playing- check
Ghost rapper- check
Graveyard- check
Giant gorillas - check
Kung Fu - check

19-2000 video
2-D and 3-D Game style graphics, explosions and other random things make this a great video.

Gorillaz - Murdoch on cribs

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